The family is one of nature’s masterpieces ♦ george santayana ♦ Wake Forest Family Photographer

This is true  . . . . so how could I MISS with this family?  Vance and his mom and dad were some of my first clients back in the fall of 2010 and I was nervous.  VERY nervous.  Mom and I spoke on a few occasions about Little Man’s wardrobe, never mentioning her own.  I get it . . . . I’m a mom too.  We’re just here to do the heavy lifting for the star of the show, right?  Yet she still managed to show up with a gorgeous family; I’m talking Model perfection.  Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself!

I was told that Vance might be a little reluctant to pose.  Cool by me . . . all I needed to do was capture him doing Cute the only way he knows how . . . . FULL ON!  Have you EVER seen anyone rock the Chucks like him?  Really?  Then there were the little wheels turning inside his head.  I’m sure in one of his photos, if you look close, you can see them.  What a studied little character I had on my hands!  And a trusting one as well.  How humbling to have a wee one be so open and giving to a stranger hiding behind a black contraption with a long nose making weird sounds. Doesn’t get much cooler than that, except if you want to count Dad’s tats!  Vance rocked the Chucks, Dad rocked the tats and mom just rocked it all!  Can you stand how awesome they are?  Me neither!  How lucky was I to get to work with this family?  Please to enjoy . . . . Vance and Mom and Dad . . .


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