It is the nature of babies to be in Bliss ♦ deepak chopra ♦ Raleigh Child Photographer

If it is the nature of babies to be in Bliss, then Miss Caroline is surely in her element!  A little background . . . I met Caroline’s mom on my own quest to become a mom.  Mary Beth earned Sainthood when she called me on May 19, 2008 at 5:37pm to announce that my husband and I had been matched with our daughter who was born in Viet Nam.  Through that long journey, I watched Mary Beth get engaged and married.  When we learned of Caroline’s imminent arrival, I was elated for her parents.  I knew the joy they were about to experience!  When I got the call for a quickie mini-session for Christmas photos, I was tickled to soon be meeting this little pixie that I had only seen photos of online.   Well, photos could not do this child justice!  She was spectacular and by spectacular, I do mean gorgeous!  The pressure was on!  Could I capture all that Fabulous with my camera?  HA!  I had to turn that mini-session into a full session because this little superstar just kept on giving me that squishy, gushy babyliciousness!  Three wardrobe changes later, I think she decided Enough Already, but even that was Baby gracious!  Those eyes . . . those cheeks . . . that blonde . . . no, is it red . . . . or is it blonde again . . . . hair!  My Nikon got cavities from all that baby sweetness!  Oh . . .  Mom and Dad jumped in a few photos too!  Sorry guys . . . Caroline was the STAR of this show, but you two gave good face too!  How could they not?  Caroline’s aura was infectious!  This child defined Picture Perfect!  Caroline . . . . you have surely spoiled me about working with babies . . . I can only dream that my future baby divas are as delicious as you were to capture!

Click here to see more of Caroline’s session

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