Just one quick one . . . ♦ Durham NC Family Photographer

So, I get an email from V wanting to know if it would be ok to just bypass the whole Christmas card thing this year.  See, they are preparing to travel to bring their new daughter home from China and well . . . they are busy.  Are you kidding, I say?  NO, it will not be ok!  Absolutely NOT!  She tells me how busy I am and that she’ll just set up a tripod and get a quick one. . . . REALLY?  No again.  Jeesh!  I told her that I would come by her home before going to her baby shower for Little E and we’ll just nab a quick one.  Right.  I did manage to narrow down the choices to just a few, but not before I fired off about a gozillion shots.  A rambunctious 4 year old is tough yo!  But how cute is he and can you just feel the excitement over his little sister coming home!?  The first one is really an outtake.  It was a perfect example of everyone following my directions to the letter.  Dad was “TV close” and affectionate, Mom was biting a hole in her lip to keep from “parenting” Big Brother E, while he is “being natural”.  Note to self:  you don’t EVER have to tell a 4 year old to be natural.









Durham NC Family Photographer, Durham, NC Child Photographer, Durham, NC  Lifestyle Photographer, Durham, NC Portrait Photographer

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