She found her Prince ♦ Chicago Family Photographer

Like so many other Viet Nam adoptive mommies, I met Kelli online.  We were both fighting a battle against the clock and against bureaucracy to bring our children home.  One particularly nail-biting day, I could sense the terror in her online communications, but I had information that would help ease her worry so I risked it all and sent her my phone number telling her to call.  I was just doing what any mom to be would do, but I found out how much it meant to her later.  When we were all able to exhale and talk more freely.

I was privileged enough to be one of the first to see Aiden Bao in his first photos sent from Viet Nam.   Considering it an honor to do so, imagine how I felt when Kelli found out I was coming to Chicago and could I do a shoot for them?  Kelli drove in from Indiana and was ready to unleash He Who Made Me Work For The Shot!  I was dying just to meet them in person, but to be asked to photograph Mommy and her little Prince was cathartic and healing in ways I couldn’t have imagined until I was there.  Shooting.  A. Miracle.  I still get emotional thinking about it and unless you were caught up in what we were caught up in, it is hard to explain.  Just trust me . . . it was a full circle experience.

Aiden, however, could not be bothered with such silliness.  There was this whole park that needed his footprints on it and if I wanted a piece of him, I’d better be quick.  The 70-200mm, 2.8 was MADE for Aiden.  It was REQUIRED for Aiden.  I just had to lie in the grass waiting for him to zoom by.  Luckily, it never occurred to me to try to pose him.  What a loss that would have been.  You want to meet Aiden . . . just look at these photos.  That is who he is!






Chicago Family Photographer, Chicago Lifestyle Photographer, Chicago Portrait Photographer, Indiana Family Photographer

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